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work the ointment in thoroughly

  • 1 work

    work [wɜ:k]
    travail1 (a)-(e), 1 (g) œuvre1 (a), 1 (f) besogne1 (b) emploi1 (c) ouvrage1 (f) recherches1 (g) travailler2A (a)-(e), 3A (b), 3A (c), 3A (e), 3C (a) fonctionner2B (a) marcher2B (a), 2B (b) réussir2B (b) agir2B (c), 2B (d) faire travailler3A (a) faire marcher3B (a) façonner3C (a) mécanisme4 1 (a) travaux4 1 (b) usine4 2 (a)
    1 noun
    (a) (effort, activity) travail m, œuvre f;
    computers take some of the work out of filing les ordinateurs facilitent le classement;
    this report needs more work il y a encore du travail à faire sur ce rapport, ce rapport demande plus de travail;
    she's done a lot of work for charity elle a beaucoup travaillé pour des associations caritatives;
    it will take a lot of work to make a team out of them ça va être un drôle de travail de faire d'eux une équipe;
    keep up the good work! continuez comme ça!;
    nice or good work! c'est du bon travail!, bravo!;
    that's fine work or a fine piece of work c'est du beau travail;
    your work has been useful vous avez fait du travail utile;
    work on the tunnel is to start in March (existing tunnel) les travaux sur le tunnel doivent commencer en mars; (new tunnel) la construction du tunnel doit commencer en mars;
    work in progress Administration travail en cours; Accountancy travaux mpl en cours, inventaire m de production; (sign) travaux en cours;
    she put a lot of work into that book elle a beaucoup travaillé sur ce livre;
    to make work for sb compliquer la vie à qn;
    to start work, to set to work se mettre au travail;
    she set or she went to work on the contract elle a commencé à travailler sur le contrat;
    he set to work undermining their confidence il a entrepris de saper leur confiance;
    I set him to work (on) painting the kitchen je lui ai donné la cuisine à peindre;
    they put him to work in the kitchen ils l'ont mis au travail dans la cuisine;
    let's get (down) to work! (mettons-nous) au travail!;
    proverb all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy beaucoup de travail et peu de loisirs ne réussissent à personne
    (b) (duty, task) travail m, besogne f;
    I've got loads of work to do j'ai énormément de travail à faire;
    she gave us too much work elle nous a donné trop de travail;
    he's trying to get some work done il essaie de travailler un peu;
    they do their work well ils travaillent bien, ils font du bon travail;
    it's hard work c'est du travail, ce n'est pas facile;
    it's thirsty work ça donne soif;
    to make short or light work of sth expédier qch;
    figurative to make short work of sb ne faire qu'une bouchée de qn;
    familiar it's nice work if you can get it! c'est une bonne planque, encore faut-il la trouver!
    (c) (paid employment) travail m, emploi m;
    what (kind of) work do you do? qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie?, quel travail faites-vous?;
    I do translation work je suis traducteur, je fais des traductions;
    to find work trouver du travail;
    to look for work chercher du travail ou un emploi;
    to be in work travailler, avoir un emploi;
    to be out of work être au chômage ou sans travail ou sans emploi;
    he had a week off work (holiday) il a pris une semaine de vacances; (illness) il n'est pas allé au travail pendant une semaine;
    to take time off work prendre des congés;
    she's off work today elle ne travaille pas aujourd'hui;
    to do a full day's work faire une journée entière de travail;
    people out of work (gen) les chômeurs mpl; Administration & Economics les inactifs mpl
    (d) (place of employment) travail m; Administration lieu m de travail;
    I go to work by bus je vais au travail en bus;
    I'm late for work je suis en retard pour le travail;
    he's a friend from work c'est un collègue;
    where is your (place of) work? où travaillez-vous?, quel est votre lieu de travail?;
    on her way home from work en rentrant du travail
    (e) (papers, material etc being worked on) travail m;
    to take work home prendre du travail à la maison;
    her work was all over the table son travail était étalé sur la table
    (f) (creation, artefact etc) œuvre f; (on smaller scale) ouvrage m; Sewing ouvrage m;
    it's all my own work j'ai tout fait moi-même;
    it's an interesting piece of work (gen) c'est un travail intéressant; Art, Literature & Music c'est une œuvre intéressante;
    very detailed/delicate work (embroidery, carving etc) ouvrage très détaillé/délicat;
    these formations are the work of the wind ces formations sont l'œuvre du vent;
    the silversmith sells much of his work to hotels l'orfèvre vend une grande partie de ce qu'il fait ou de son travail à des hôtels;
    the complete works of Shakespeare les œuvres complètes ou l'œuvre de Shakespeare;
    a new work on Portugal un nouvel ouvrage sur le Portugal;
    a work of art une œuvre d'art;
    works of fiction des ouvrages de fiction
    (g) (research) travail m, recherches fpl;
    there hasn't been a lot of work done on the subject peu de travail a été fait ou peu de recherches ont été faites sur le sujet
    (h) (deed) œuvre f, acte m;
    good works bonnes œuvres fpl;
    each man will be judged by his works chaque homme sera jugé selon ses œuvres;
    charitable works actes mpl de charité, actes mpl charitables;
    the murder is the work of a madman le meurtre est l'œuvre d'un fou
    (i) (effect) effet m;
    wait until the medicine has done its work attendez que le médicament ait agi ou ait produit son effet
    (j) Physics travail m
    (a) (exert effort on a specific task, activity etc) travailler;
    we worked for hours cleaning the house nous avons passé des heures à faire le ménage;
    they worked in the garden ils ont fait du jardinage;
    we work hard nous travaillons dur;
    she's working on a novel just now elle travaille à un roman en ce moment;
    a detective is working on this case un détective est sur cette affaire;
    he works at or on keeping himself fit il fait de l'exercice pour garder la forme;
    we have to work to a deadline nous devons respecter des délais dans notre travail;
    we have to work to a budget nous devons travailler avec un certain budget;
    I've worked with the handicapped before j'ai déjà travaillé avec les handicapés;
    I work with the Spanish on that project je travaille (en collaboration) avec les Espagnols sur ce projet
    (b) (be employed) travailler;
    he works as a teacher il a un poste d'enseignant;
    I work in advertising je travaille dans la publicité;
    who do you work for? chez qui est-ce que vous travaillez?;
    she works in or for a bank elle travaille dans ou pour une banque;
    I work a forty-hour week je travaille quarante heures par semaine, je fais une semaine de quarante heures;
    to work for a living travailler pour gagner sa vie;
    Industry to work to rule faire la grève du zèle
    to work for a good cause travailler pour une bonne cause;
    they're working for better international relations ils s'efforcent d'améliorer les relations internationales
    (d) (study) travailler, étudier;
    you're going to have to work if you want to pass the exam il va falloir que tu travailles ou que tu étudies si tu veux avoir ton examen
    this sculptor works in or with copper ce sculpteur travaille avec le cuivre;
    she has always worked in or with watercolours elle a toujours travaillé avec de la peinture à l'eau
    (a) (function, operate → machine, brain, system) fonctionner, marcher;
    the lift doesn't work at night l'ascenseur ne marche pas la nuit;
    the lift never works l'ascenseur est toujours en panne;
    the radio works off batteries la radio fonctionne avec des piles;
    a pump worked by hand une pompe actionnée à la main ou manuellement;
    they soon got or had it working ils sont vite parvenus à le faire fonctionner;
    she sat still, her brain or her mind working furiously elle était assise immobile, le cerveau en ébullition;
    figurative everything worked smoothly tout s'est déroulé comme prévu;
    your idea just won't work ton idée ne peut pas marcher;
    this relationship isn't working cette relation ne marche pas;
    that argument works both ways ce raisonnement est à double tranchant;
    how does the law work exactly? comment la loi fonctionne-t-elle exactement?
    (b) (produce results, succeed) marcher, réussir;
    it worked brilliantly ça a très bien marché;
    their scheme didn't work leur complot a échoué;
    that/flattery won't work with me ça/la flatterie ne prend pas avec moi
    (c) (drug, medicine) agir, produire ou faire son effet
    (d) (act) agir;
    the acid works as a catalyst l'acide agit comme ou sert de catalyseur;
    events have worked against us/in our favour les événements ont agi contre nous/en notre faveur;
    I'm working on the assumption that they'll sign the contract je pars du principe qu'ils signeront le contrat
    to work loose se desserrer;
    to work free se libérer;
    the nail worked through the sole of my shoe le clou est passé à travers la semelle de ma chaussure
    (b) (face, mouth) se contracter, se crisper
    (c) (ferment) fermenter
    (a) (worker, employee, horse) faire travailler;
    the boss works his staff hard le patron exige beaucoup de travail de ses employés;
    you work yourself too hard tu te surmènes;
    to work oneself to death se tuer à la tâche;
    to work one's fingers to the bone s'user au travail
    they worked their passage to India ils ont payé leur passage en Inde en travaillant;
    I worked my way through college j'ai travaillé pour payer mes études à l'université
    he works the southern sales area il travaille pour le service commercial de la région sud;
    the pollster worked both sides of the street le sondeur a enquêté des deux côtés de la rue;
    figurative the candidate worked the crowd le candidat s'efforçait de soulever l'enthousiasme de la foule;
    a real-estate agent who works the phones un agent immobilier qui fait de la prospection par téléphone;
    she works the bars (prostitute) elle travaille dans les bars
    (d) (achieve, accomplish)
    the new policy will work major changes la nouvelle politique opérera ou entraînera des changements importants;
    the story worked its magic or its charm on the public l'histoire a enchanté le public;
    to work a spell on sb jeter un sort à qn;
    to work miracles faire ou accomplir des miracles;
    to work wonders faire merveille;
    she has worked wonders with the children elle a fait des merveilles avec les enfants
    (e) (make use of, exploit → land) travailler, cultiver; (→ mine, quarry) exploiter, faire valoir
    (a) (operate) faire marcher, faire fonctionner;
    this switch works the furnace ce bouton actionne ou commande la chaudière;
    he knows how to work the drill il sait se servir de la perceuse
    I worked the handle up and down j'ai remué la poignée de haut en bas;
    to work one's hands free parvenir à dégager ses mains;
    she worked the ropes loose elle a réussi à desserrer les cordes petit à petit
    I worked my way along the ledge j'ai longé la saillie avec précaution;
    he worked his way down/up the cliff il a descendu/monté la falaise lentement;
    the beggar worked his way towards us le mendiant s'est approché de nous;
    they worked their way through the list ils ont traité chaque élément de la liste tour à tour;
    he's worked his way through the whole grant il a épuisé toute la subvention;
    a band of rain working its way across the country un front de pluie qui traverse le pays;
    they have worked themselves into a corner ils se sont mis dans une impasse
    (d) familiar (contrive) s'arranger;
    she managed to work a few days off elle s'est arrangée ou s'est débrouillée pour avoir quelques jours de congé;
    I worked it or worked things so that she's never alone j'ai fait en sorte qu'elle ou je me suis arrangé pour qu'elle ne soit jamais seule
    (a) (shape → leather, metal, stone) travailler, façonner; (→ clay, dough) travailler, pétrir; (→ object, sculpture) façonner; Sewing (design, initials) broder;
    she worked the silver into earrings elle a travaillé l'argent pour en faire des boucles d'oreilles;
    she worked a figure out of the wood elle a sculpté une silhouette dans le bois;
    the flowers are worked in silk les fleurs sont brodées en soie;
    work the putty into the right consistency travaillez le mastic pour lui donner la consistance voulue
    gently work the cream into your hands massez-vous les mains pour faire pénétrer la crème;
    work the dye into the surface of the leather faites pénétrer la teinture dans le cuir
    (c) (excite, provoke)
    the orator worked the audience into a frenzy l'orateur a enflammé ou a galvanisé le public;
    she worked herself into a rage elle s'est mise dans une colère noire
    (a) (mechanism) mécanisme m, rouages mpl; (of clock) mouvement m;
    familiar to foul up or to gum up the works tout foutre en l'air
    (b) Building industry travaux mpl; (installation) installations fpl;
    road works travaux mpl; (sign) travaux;
    Minister/Ministry of Works ministre m/ministère m des Travaux publics
    2 noun
    a printing works une imprimerie;
    a gas works une usine à gaz;
    price ex works prix m sortie usine
    the (whole) works tout le bataclan ou le tralala;
    they had eggs, bacon, toast, the works ils mangeaient des œufs, du bacon, du pain grillé, tout, quoi!;
    American to shoot the works jouer le grand jeu;
    American we shot the works on the project nous avons mis le paquet sur le projet;
    to give sb the works (special treatment) dérouler le tapis rouge pour qn; (beating) passer qn à tabac
    to be at work on sth/(on) doing sth travailler (à) qch/à faire qch;
    he's at work on a new book il travaille à un nouveau livre;
    they're hard at work painting the house ils sont en plein travail, ils repeignent la maison
    there are several factors at work here il y a plusieurs facteurs qui entrent en jeu ou qui jouent ici;
    there are evil forces at work des forces mauvaises sont en action
    she's at work (gen) elle est au travail; (office) elle est au bureau; (factory) elle est à l'usine;
    I'll phone you at work je t'appellerai au travail;
    we met at work on s'est connus au travail
    ►► work area (in school, home) coin m de travail; Computing zone f de travail;
    works band fanfare m (d'une entreprise);
    work camp (prison) camp m de travail; (voluntary) chantier m de travail;
    American work coat blouse f;
    works committee, works council comité m d'entreprise;
    work ethic = exaltation des valeurs liées au travail;
    work experience stage m (en entreprise);
    the course includes two months' work experience le programme comprend un stage en entreprise de deux mois;
    American work farm = camp de travail forcé où les détenus travaillent la terre;
    Computing work file fichier m de travail;
    work flow déroulement m des opérations;
    work group groupe m de travail;
    works manager directeur(trice) m,f d'usine;
    work party (of soldiers) escouade f; (of prisoners) groupe m de travail;
    work permit permis m de travail;
    Computing work sheet feuille f de travail;
    work space (at home) coin-travail m; (in office) & Computing espace m de travail;
    I need more work space j'ai besoin de plus d'espace pour travailler;
    work surface surface f de travail;
    American work week semaine f de travail
    while he worked away at fixing the furnace tandis qu'il travaillait à réparer la chaudière;
    we worked away all evening nous avons passé la soirée à travailler
    her socks had worked down around her ankles ses chaussettes étaient tombées sur ses chevilles
    (a) (incorporate) incorporer;
    work the ointment in thoroughly faites bien pénétrer la pommade;
    Cookery work the butter into the flour incorporez le beurre à la farine
    (b) (insert) faire entrer ou introduire petit à petit;
    he worked in a few sly remarks about the boss il a réussi à glisser quelques réflexions sournoises sur le patron;
    I'll try and work the translation in some time this week (into schedule) j'essayerai de (trouver le temps de) faire la traduction dans le courant de la semaine
    (a) (dispose of → fat, weight) se débarrasser de, éliminer; (→ anxiety, frustration) passer, assouvir;
    I worked off my excess energy chopping wood j'ai dépensé mon trop-plein d'énergie en cassant du bois;
    he worked off his tensions by running il s'est défoulé en faisant du jogging;
    to work off one's anger on sb passer sa colère sur qn
    (b) (debt, obligation)
    it took him three months to work off his debt il a dû travailler trois mois pour rembourser son emprunt
    work on
    (a) (person) essayer de convaincre;
    we've been working on him but he still won't go nous avons essayé de le persuader mais il ne veut toujours pas y aller;
    I'll work on her je vais m'occuper d'elle
    (b) (task, problem)
    the police are working on who stole the jewels la police s'efforce de retrouver celui qui a volé les bijoux;
    he's been working on his breaststroke/emotional problems il a travaillé sa brasse/essayé de résoudre ses problèmes sentimentaux;
    have you got any ideas? - I'm working on it as-tu des idées? - je cherche
    have you any data to work on? avez-vous des données sur lesquelles vous fonder?
    (continue to work) continuer à travailler
    (a) (discharge fully) acquitter en travaillant;
    to work out one's notice faire son préavis
    (b) (calculate → cost, distance, sum) calculer; (→ answer, total) trouver;
    I work it out at £22 d'après mes calculs, ça fait 22 livres
    (c) (solve → calculation, problem) résoudre; (→ puzzle) faire, résoudre; (→ code) déchiffrer;
    have they worked out their differences? est-ce qu'ils ont réglé ou résolu leurs différends?;
    I'm sure we can work this thing out (your problem) je suis sûr que nous pouvons arranger ça; (our argument) je suis sûr que nous finirons par nous mettre d'accord;
    things will work themselves out les choses s'arrangeront toutes seules ou d'elles-mêmes
    (d) (formulate → idea, plan) élaborer, combiner; (→ agreement, details) mettre au point;
    to work out a solution trouver une solution;
    have you worked out yet when it's due to start? est-ce que tu sais quand ça doit commencer?;
    she had it all worked out elle avait tout planifié;
    we worked out an easier route nous avons trouvé un itinéraire plus facile
    (e) (figure out) arriver à comprendre;
    I finally worked out why he was acting so strangely j'ai enfin découvert ou compris pourquoi il se comportait si bizarrement;
    the dog had worked out how to open the door le chien avait compris comment ouvrir la porte;
    I can't work her out je n'arrive pas à la comprendre;
    I can't work their relationship out leurs rapports me dépassent
    (f) (mine, well) épuiser
    (a) (happen) se passer;
    it depends on how things work out ça dépend de la façon dont les choses se passent;
    the trip worked out as planned le voyage s'est déroulé comme prévu;
    I wonder how it will all work out je me demande comment tout cela va s'arranger;
    it all worked out for the best tout a fini par s'arranger pour le mieux;
    but it didn't work out that way mais il en a été tout autrement;
    it worked out badly for them les choses ont mal tourné pour eux
    (b) (have a good result → job, plan) réussir; (→ problem, puzzle) se résoudre;
    she worked out fine as personnel director elle s'est bien débrouillée comme directeur du personnel;
    are things working out for you OK? est-ce que ça se passe bien pour toi?;
    did the new job work out? ça a marché pour le nouveau boulot?;
    it didn't work out between them les choses ont plutôt mal tourné entre eux;
    their project didn't work out leur projet est tombé à l'eau
    how much does it all work out at? ça fait combien en tout?;
    the average price for an apartment works out to or at $5,000 per square metre le prix moyen d'un appartement s'élève ou revient à 5000 dollars le mètre carré;
    that works out at three hours a week ça fait trois heures par semaine;
    electric heating works out expensive le chauffage électrique revient cher
    (d) (exercise) faire de l'exercice; (professional athlete) s'entraîner
    (a) American (revise) revoir, réviser
    (b) familiar (beat up) tabasser, passer à tabac
    (a) (turn) tourner;
    the wind worked round to the north le vent a tourné au nord petit à petit
    he finally worked round to the subject of housing il a fini par aborder le sujet du logement;
    what's she working round to? où veut-elle en venir?
    (bring round) I worked the conversation round to my salary j'ai amené la conversation sur la question de mon salaire
    (a) (insert) faire passer à travers
    we worked our way through the crowd nous nous sommes frayé un chemin à travers la foule;
    he worked his way through the book il a lu le livre du début à la fin;
    figurative I worked the problem through j'ai étudié le problème sous tous ses aspects
    she worked through lunch elle a travaillé pendant l'heure du déjeuner
    he worked through his emotional problems il a réussi à assumer ses problèmes affectifs
    work up
    (a) (stir up, rouse) exciter, provoquer;
    he worked up the crowd il a excité la foule;
    he worked the crowd up into a frenzy il a rendu la foule frénétique;
    he works himself up or he gets himself worked up over nothing il s'énerve pour rien;
    she had worked herself up into a dreadful rage elle s'était mise dans une rage terrible
    (b) (develop) développer;
    I want to work these ideas up into an article je veux développer ces idées pour en faire un article;
    to work up an appetite se mettre en appétit;
    we worked up a sweat/a thirst playing tennis jouer au tennis nous a donné chaud/soif;
    I can't work up any enthusiasm for this work je n'arrive pas à avoir le moindre enthousiasme pour ce travail;
    he tried to work up an interest in the cause il a essayé de s'intéresser à la cause
    to work one's way up faire son chemin;
    she worked her way up from secretary to managing director elle a commencé comme secrétaire et elle a fait son chemin jusqu'au poste de P-DG;
    I worked my way up from nothing je suis parti de rien
    (a) (clothing) remonter
    the film was working up to a climax le film approchait de son point culminant;
    things were working up to a crisis une crise se préparait, on était au bord d'une crise;
    she's working up to what she wanted to ask elle en vient à ce qu'elle voulait demander;
    what are you working up to? où veux-tu en venir?

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > work

  • 2 problema

    1 problem.
    el problema del terrorismo the terrorist problem, the problem of terrorism
    los niños no causan más que problemas children cause nothing but trouble o problems
    el problema es que no nos queda tiempo the problem o thing is that we don't have any time left
    2 glitch, bug.
    * * *
    1 problem
    dar problemas to cause problems
    tener problemas con to have trouble with
    * * *
    noun m.
    * * *
    1. SM
    1) (=dificultad) problem

    ¿tienes problemas de dinero? — do you have any money worries o financial problems?

    2) (Mat) problem
    3) Méx (=accidente) accident, mishap
    ADJ INV (=problemático) problem antes de s
    * * *
    masculino problem

    resolver/solucionar un problema — to solve a problem

    si se enteran, vas a tener problemas — if they find out, you'll be in trouble

    no te hagas problema — (AmL) don't worry about it

    * * *
    = dilemma, issue, problem, rough spot, snag, bug, hitch, mischief, trouble spot, tyranny, catch, tribulation, show-stopper [showstopper], hassle, rub, kink, kicker.
    Ex. Unfortunately documents which present dilemmas in the selection of author headings are present in even the smallest library collections.
    Ex. These issues are reviewed more thoroughly in chapter 10.
    Ex. When the cataloguer turns to the description of a piece of music a common problem will be the absence of a title page to be used as the chief source of information.
    Ex. But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
    Ex. Another snag was the existence of entrenched divergent cataloguing habits among the multinational staff, not to mention their fear of the unknown = Otro problema era la existencia de hábitos de catalogación divergentes y ya arraigados entre el personal multinacional, por no mencionar su miedo hacia lo desconocido.
    Ex. A bug is an error in a program or an equipment malfunction.
    Ex. Keeping pace with these changes may well mean more work than the seven year hitch experienced by DC users.
    Ex. The author discusses the characteristics of programs designed specifically to cause mischief to computer owners who download and run the programs = El autor analiza las características de los programas diseñados específicamente para causar problemas a los propietarios de ordenadores que los descargan y ejecutan.
    Ex. The statistics collected served as an early warning signal for trouble spots.
    Ex. Information access, such as satellites, overcomes the tyranny of distance for students, teachers and researchers in Australasia.
    Ex. Whilst these achievements are commendable, there is a catch in them -- there can be used to 'intensify' the economic exploitation of women.
    Ex. The author discusses the tribulations of equipment selection.
    Ex. In engineering use, a show-stopper is usually some aspect of a project that is so bad that it threatens to cancel the project unless it is corrected.
    Ex. The article is entitled 'How to implement electronic subscriptions replacing the routing list hassle'.
    Ex. But as elegant and efficient as this seems, this strategy has a rub - you've got to have technology to track shipments, since you're ultimately responsible for purchases, warranties and returns.
    Ex. However, like any emerging technology, there are still a few kinks in the system.
    Ex. The kicker is that this type of money transfer service is less convenient and no safer than many online money transfers.
    * abordar un problema = address + problem.
    * acción de averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooting [trouble shooting].
    * aclarar un problema = clear up + problem.
    * acometer un problema = attack + problem.
    * acosado por problemas = beset with + problems.
    * acotar un problema = delineate + problem.
    * acuciado por problemas = embattled.
    * acumular problemas = build up + problems.
    * afrontar los problemas cotidianos = grapple with + life's problems.
    * afrontar un problema = face + issue, confront + problem.
    * agobiado por problemas = beset with + problems.
    * agravar un problema = compound + problem.
    * ahí está el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * anticipar un problema = anticipate + problem.
    * aprendizaje a través de solución de problemas = problem based learning.
    * aquejado de problemas = troubled, ailing.
    * arreglar un problema = fix + problem.
    * asediado por problemas = embattled.
    * atajar un problema = grapple with + problem.
    * ausencia de problemas = smoothness.
    * averiguar un problema = investigate + problem.
    * buscar problemas = ask for + trouble, court + disaster, make + trouble.
    * capacidad de resolver problemas = problem-solving ability.
    * causar problemas = cause + problems, cause + trouble, make + trouble.
    * combatir un problema = combat + problem.
    * complicar un problema = compound + problem.
    * con problemas = in hot water.
    * con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled.
    * con problemas de lectura = print disabled.
    * con problemas de vista = vision impaired.
    * con problemas visuales = vision impaired.
    * considerar un problema = consider + problem.
    * convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.
    * corregir un problema = correct + problem.
    * crear problemas = make + waves, build up + problems, make + trouble.
    * darle vueltas a un problema = puzzle over + problem.
    * dar lugar a problemas = give + rise to problems.
    * dar problemas = play up.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * debatir un problema = discuss + problem.
    * decisión precipitada ante un problema = crisis decision.
    * dedicar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * definición del problema = problem statement.
    * definir un problema = delineate + problem.
    * delimitar un problema = isolate + problem.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * detectar un problema = spot + problem, spot + trouble.
    * diagnosticar el problema = diagnose + problem.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * el final de los problemas = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * eliminar un problema = sweep away + problem, work out + kink.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el problema obvio = the elephant in the room.
    * el único problema = a fly in the soup, the fly in the ointment.
    * el verdadero problema = the elephant in the room.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrarse con problemas = run into + trouble.
    * encontrarse con un problema = encounter + problem, meet with + problem, run up against + issue, come across + problem.
    * enfrentarse a un problema = challenge + threat, confront + question, cope with + problem, face + issue, face + issue, face + problem, come up against + problem, struggle with + issue, wrestle with + problem, deal with + issue.
    * enfrentarse un problema = confront + problem, experience + problem.
    * enunciado del problema = problem statement.
    * esbozar un problema = outline + problem.
    * ese es el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * esquivar el problema = sidestep + the problem.
    * esquivar un problema = duck + issue.
    * estar lleno de problemas = bristle with + problems.
    * evitar problemas = stay out of + trouble.
    * evitar un problema = avoid + problem.
    * exarcerbar un problema = inflame + problem.
    * exteriorizar un problema = externalise + problem.
    * forma de evitar un problema = way round + problem.
    * franquear un problema = negotiate + problem.
    * hacer frente a un problema = attack + problem, combat + problem, wrestle with + problem.
    * identificar un problema = outline + problem, identify + problem, isolate + problem.
    * ilustrar un problema = illustrate + problem.
    * investigar un problema = investigate + problem.
    * libre de problemas = problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free].
    * lleno de problemas = plagued with problems, problem-ridden.
    * llevarse los problemas a casa = bring + problems home.
    * mencionar un problema = bring + problem up.
    * meterse en problemas = get into + trouble.
    * mitigar un problema = alleviate + problem.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no tener ningún problema con = be okay with.
    * no terminar nunca de tener problemas con = have + no end of problems with.
    * obtener el enunciado del problema = elicit + problem statement.
    * ocasionar problemas = cause + problems.
    * orientado hacia la resolución de problemas = problem-orientated, problem-oriented.
    * paliar problemas = minimise + problems.
    * paliar un problema = solve + problem.
    * percatarse de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * persona con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled person.
    * persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas = solver.
    * persona que intenta averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooter.
    * personas con problemas de lectura = print handicapped people, print handicapped, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa = print disabled people.
    * personas con problemas de vista, las = visually impaired, the, visually disabled, the, visually handicapped, the, visually impaired people (VIPs), visually challenged, the.
    * personas con problemas mentales = disturbed people.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * plagado de problemas = plagued with problems, problem-wracked [problem-racked].
    * plagar de problemas = bedevil.
    * plantear un problema = pose + dilemma, pose + problem, raise + question, raise + concern, raise + issue, raise + problem, articulate + problem.
    * presentar problemas = present + problems.
    * presentar un problema = pose + problem, air + problem.
    * prestar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * problema + acosar = problem + dog.
    * problema acuciante = pressing problem.
    * problema + acuciar = problem + beset.
    * problema + afectar = problem + afflict, problem + plague.
    * problema + afligir = problem + afflict.
    * problema + agravar = problem + exacerbate.
    * problema alimenticio = eating problem.
    * problema asociado = attending problem.
    * problema auditivo = hearing problem.
    * problema + avecinarse = problem + lie ahead.
    * problema cada vez mayor = growing problem.
    * problema con el alcohol = drinking problem.
    * problema con los niños de la llave = latchkey problem.
    * problema cotidiano = daily problem.
    * problema de comportamiento = behaviour problem, behavioural problem.
    * problema de espacio = space problem.
    * problema de imagen = image problem.
    * problema de peso = weight problem.
    * problema de salud = health problem.
    * problema + desaparecer = problem + go away.
    * problema de seguridad = security problem.
    * problema diario = daily problem.
    * problema difícil = thorny problem, poser.
    * problema difícil de resolver = tough nut to crack, hard nut to crack, brain tickler.
    * problema doméstico = domestic problem.
    * problema económico = economic problem, financial problem.
    * problema + encontrarse = problem + lie.
    * problema en la escuela = school problem.
    * problema escolar = school problem.
    * problema espinoso = knotty problem, thorny problem, thorny issue, thorny question.
    * problema + estar = problem + lie, problem + come with.
    * problema familiar = family problem.
    * problema informático = computing problem.
    * problema inicial = startup problem.
    * problema insoluble = insoluble problem.
    * problema monetario = monetary problem.
    * problema motriz = motor disability.
    * problema peliagudo = thorny problem, thorny issue, thorny question.
    * problema + persistir = problem + persist.
    * problema personal = personal problem.
    * problema + plantearse = problem + come with.
    * problema práctico = practical problem.
    * problema racial = racial conflict, ethnic conflict.
    * problema + radicar = trouble + lie.
    * problema real = real problem.
    * problema + residir = problem + reside, problem + lie, problem + come with.
    * problemas = trouble, crisis [crises, -pl.], problem areas, trials and tribulations, trouble at mill.
    * problemas auditivos = impaired hearing, hearing impairment, hearing disability.
    * problemas cada vez mayores = mounting problems.
    * problemas con el alcohol = problem drinking.
    * problemas con la bebida = problem drinking.
    * problemas con la vista = poor eyesight.
    * problemas de la vida = life problems [life-problems].
    * problemas del crecimiento = growing pains.
    * problemas de lectura = reading difficulties.
    * problemas dentales = dental disease.
    * problemas de oído = poor hearing.
    * problema seguro = accident waiting to happen.
    * problemas familiares = family crisis.
    * problemas + girar en torno a = problems + turn on, problems + revolve around.
    * problemas inherentes al crecimiento = growing pains.
    * problemas iniciales = teething problems, teething troubles, growing pains.
    * problema siquiátrico = psychiatric problem.
    * problema social = societal problem, social problem.
    * problemas sociales = social crisis.
    * problema + surgir = problem + arise, problem + surface, problem + come with.
    * problemas visuales = visual impairment.
    * problema técnico = glitch, technical difficulty, technical problem.
    * problema técnico desconocido = gremlin.
    * quitar importancia a un problema = trivialise + trouble.
    * raíz del problema, la = root of the problem, the.
    * resolución de problemas = problem solving [problem-solving].
    * resolver los problemas = iron out + the bugs.
    * resolver un problema = resolve + issue, resolve + problem, solve + problem, work out + problem, unlock + problem, settle + problem, sort out + problem, clear up + problem, work + problem + through, address + limitation, straighten out + problem, iron out + problem, work out + kink.
    * sacar a colación un problema = bring + problem up.
    * salvar un problema = circumvent + problem, negotiate + problem.
    * ser un problema = be at issue.
    * sin meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * solución a problemas = problem solution.
    * solucionar los problemas = put + things right.
    * solucionar problemas = problem solving [problem-solving].
    * solucionar un problema = solve + problem, settle + problem, iron out + problem.
    * subproblema = sub-problem [subproblem].
    * subsanar un problema = remedy + problem.
    * superar el problema de credibilidad = overcome + credibility gap.
    * superar un problema = surmount + problem, conquer + problem, get over + problem.
    * surgir un problema de credibilidad = credibility gap + arise.
    * suscitar un problema = provoke + problem, raise + problem, raise + concern.
    * tener problema con Algo = experience + trouble with.
    * tener problemas = have + problems.
    * tener problemas con = fall + foul of, run + afoul of problems, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * tener problemas con la ley = fall + foul of the law, go + afoul of the law, fall + afoul of the law.
    * tener un problema = experience + problem.
    * tener un problema medio resuelto = have + problem half licked.
    * tocar un problema = touch on/upon + problem.
    * toparse con un problema = encounter + problem, come across + problem.
    * tratar un problema = address + problem, deal with + problem, handle + problem, tackle + problem, address + limitation, grapple with + problem, treat + problem, address + concern.
    * tratar un problema de pasada = touch on/upon + problem.
    * trivializar un problema = trivialise + trouble.
    * tropezar con problemas = run into + problems.
    * * *
    masculino problem

    resolver/solucionar un problema — to solve a problem

    si se enteran, vas a tener problemas — if they find out, you'll be in trouble

    no te hagas problema — (AmL) don't worry about it

    * * *
    = dilemma, issue, problem, rough spot, snag, bug, hitch, mischief, trouble spot, tyranny, catch, tribulation, show-stopper [showstopper], hassle, rub, kink, kicker.

    Ex: Unfortunately documents which present dilemmas in the selection of author headings are present in even the smallest library collections.

    Ex: These issues are reviewed more thoroughly in chapter 10.
    Ex: When the cataloguer turns to the description of a piece of music a common problem will be the absence of a title page to be used as the chief source of information.
    Ex: But despite the many catalog worlds, and herein lies the rub -- or at least a rough spot -- we have been proceeding on the assumption that the catalog exists in the form of the data distributed by the Library of Congress.
    Ex: Another snag was the existence of entrenched divergent cataloguing habits among the multinational staff, not to mention their fear of the unknown = Otro problema era la existencia de hábitos de catalogación divergentes y ya arraigados entre el personal multinacional, por no mencionar su miedo hacia lo desconocido.
    Ex: A bug is an error in a program or an equipment malfunction.
    Ex: Keeping pace with these changes may well mean more work than the seven year hitch experienced by DC users.
    Ex: The author discusses the characteristics of programs designed specifically to cause mischief to computer owners who download and run the programs = El autor analiza las características de los programas diseñados específicamente para causar problemas a los propietarios de ordenadores que los descargan y ejecutan.
    Ex: The statistics collected served as an early warning signal for trouble spots.
    Ex: Information access, such as satellites, overcomes the tyranny of distance for students, teachers and researchers in Australasia.
    Ex: Whilst these achievements are commendable, there is a catch in them -- there can be used to 'intensify' the economic exploitation of women.
    Ex: The author discusses the tribulations of equipment selection.
    Ex: In engineering use, a show-stopper is usually some aspect of a project that is so bad that it threatens to cancel the project unless it is corrected.
    Ex: The article is entitled 'How to implement electronic subscriptions replacing the routing list hassle'.
    Ex: But as elegant and efficient as this seems, this strategy has a rub - you've got to have technology to track shipments, since you're ultimately responsible for purchases, warranties and returns.
    Ex: However, like any emerging technology, there are still a few kinks in the system.
    Ex: The kicker is that this type of money transfer service is less convenient and no safer than many online money transfers.
    * abordar un problema = address + problem.
    * acción de averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooting [trouble shooting].
    * aclarar un problema = clear up + problem.
    * acometer un problema = attack + problem.
    * acosado por problemas = beset with + problems.
    * acotar un problema = delineate + problem.
    * acuciado por problemas = embattled.
    * acumular problemas = build up + problems.
    * afrontar los problemas cotidianos = grapple with + life's problems.
    * afrontar un problema = face + issue, confront + problem.
    * agobiado por problemas = beset with + problems.
    * agravar un problema = compound + problem.
    * ahí está el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * anticipar un problema = anticipate + problem.
    * aprendizaje a través de solución de problemas = problem based learning.
    * aquejado de problemas = troubled, ailing.
    * arreglar un problema = fix + problem.
    * asediado por problemas = embattled.
    * atajar un problema = grapple with + problem.
    * ausencia de problemas = smoothness.
    * averiguar un problema = investigate + problem.
    * buscar problemas = ask for + trouble, court + disaster, make + trouble.
    * capacidad de resolver problemas = problem-solving ability.
    * causar problemas = cause + problems, cause + trouble, make + trouble.
    * combatir un problema = combat + problem.
    * complicar un problema = compound + problem.
    * con problemas = in hot water.
    * con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled.
    * con problemas de lectura = print disabled.
    * con problemas de vista = vision impaired.
    * con problemas visuales = vision impaired.
    * considerar un problema = consider + problem.
    * convertirse en un gran problema = grow to + a crisis.
    * corregir un problema = correct + problem.
    * crear problemas = make + waves, build up + problems, make + trouble.
    * darle vueltas a un problema = puzzle over + problem.
    * dar lugar a problemas = give + rise to problems.
    * dar problemas = play up.
    * darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * debatir un problema = discuss + problem.
    * decisión precipitada ante un problema = crisis decision.
    * dedicar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * definición del problema = problem statement.
    * definir un problema = delineate + problem.
    * delimitar un problema = isolate + problem.
    * desarrollarse sin problemas = go + smoothly.
    * detectar un problema = spot + problem, spot + trouble.
    * diagnosticar el problema = diagnose + problem.
    * dirigir + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * el final de los problemas = the light at the end of the tunnel.
    * eliminar un problema = sweep away + problem, work out + kink.
    * el problema no es el qué, sino el cómo = the devil (is/lives) in the details.
    * el problema obvio = the elephant in the room.
    * el único problema = a fly in the soup, the fly in the ointment.
    * el verdadero problema = the elephant in the room.
    * encontrar el modo de paliar un problema = find + way (a)round + problem.
    * encontrarse con problemas = run into + trouble.
    * encontrarse con un problema = encounter + problem, meet with + problem, run up against + issue, come across + problem.
    * enfrentarse a un problema = challenge + threat, confront + question, cope with + problem, face + issue, face + issue, face + problem, come up against + problem, struggle with + issue, wrestle with + problem, deal with + issue.
    * enfrentarse un problema = confront + problem, experience + problem.
    * enunciado del problema = problem statement.
    * esbozar un problema = outline + problem.
    * ese es el problema = herein lies the rub, there's the rub.
    * esquivar el problema = sidestep + the problem.
    * esquivar un problema = duck + issue.
    * estar lleno de problemas = bristle with + problems.
    * evitar problemas = stay out of + trouble.
    * evitar un problema = avoid + problem.
    * exarcerbar un problema = inflame + problem.
    * exteriorizar un problema = externalise + problem.
    * forma de evitar un problema = way round + problem.
    * franquear un problema = negotiate + problem.
    * hacer frente a un problema = attack + problem, combat + problem, wrestle with + problem.
    * identificar un problema = outline + problem, identify + problem, isolate + problem.
    * ilustrar un problema = illustrate + problem.
    * investigar un problema = investigate + problem.
    * libre de problemas = problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free].
    * lleno de problemas = plagued with problems, problem-ridden.
    * llevarse los problemas a casa = bring + problems home.
    * mencionar un problema = bring + problem up.
    * meterse en problemas = get into + trouble.
    * mitigar un problema = alleviate + problem.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no tener ningún problema con = be okay with.
    * no terminar nunca de tener problemas con = have + no end of problems with.
    * obtener el enunciado del problema = elicit + problem statement.
    * ocasionar problemas = cause + problems.
    * orientado hacia la resolución de problemas = problem-orientated, problem-oriented.
    * paliar problemas = minimise + problems.
    * paliar un problema = solve + problem.
    * percatarse de un problema = alight on + problem.
    * persona con problemas de aprendizaje = learning disabled person.
    * persona o mecanismo que resuelve problemas = solver.
    * persona que intenta averiguar y resolver problemas = troubleshooter.
    * personas con problemas de lectura = print handicapped people, print handicapped, the.
    * personas con problemas de lectura de la letra impresa = print disabled people.
    * personas con problemas de vista, las = visually impaired, the, visually disabled, the, visually handicapped, the, visually impaired people (VIPs), visually challenged, the.
    * personas con problemas mentales = disturbed people.
    * persona sin problemas de vista = sighted person.
    * plagado de problemas = plagued with problems, problem-wracked [problem-racked].
    * plagar de problemas = bedevil.
    * plantear un problema = pose + dilemma, pose + problem, raise + question, raise + concern, raise + issue, raise + problem, articulate + problem.
    * presentar problemas = present + problems.
    * presentar un problema = pose + problem, air + problem.
    * prestar + Posesivo + atención a un problema = turn + Posesivo + attention to problem.
    * problema + acosar = problem + dog.
    * problema acuciante = pressing problem.
    * problema + acuciar = problem + beset.
    * problema + afectar = problem + afflict, problem + plague.
    * problema + afligir = problem + afflict.
    * problema + agravar = problem + exacerbate.
    * problema alimenticio = eating problem.
    * problema asociado = attending problem.
    * problema auditivo = hearing problem.
    * problema + avecinarse = problem + lie ahead.
    * problema cada vez mayor = growing problem.
    * problema con el alcohol = drinking problem.
    * problema con los niños de la llave = latchkey problem.
    * problema cotidiano = daily problem.
    * problema de comportamiento = behaviour problem, behavioural problem.
    * problema de espacio = space problem.
    * problema de imagen = image problem.
    * problema de peso = weight problem.
    * problema de salud = health problem.
    * problema + desaparecer = problem + go away.
    * problema de seguridad = security problem.
    * problema diario = daily problem.
    * problema difícil = thorny problem, poser.
    * problema difícil de resolver = tough nut to crack, hard nut to crack, brain tickler.
    * problema doméstico = domestic problem.
    * problema económico = economic problem, financial problem.
    * problema + encontrarse = problem + lie.
    * problema en la escuela = school problem.
    * problema escolar = school problem.
    * problema espinoso = knotty problem, thorny problem, thorny issue, thorny question.
    * problema + estar = problem + lie, problem + come with.
    * problema familiar = family problem.
    * problema informático = computing problem.
    * problema inicial = startup problem.
    * problema insoluble = insoluble problem.
    * problema monetario = monetary problem.
    * problema motriz = motor disability.
    * problema peliagudo = thorny problem, thorny issue, thorny question.
    * problema pequeño = a cloud no bigger than a man's hand.
    * problema + persistir = problem + persist.
    * problema personal = personal problem.
    * problema + plantearse = problem + come with.
    * problema práctico = practical problem.
    * problema racial = racial conflict, ethnic conflict.
    * problema + radicar = trouble + lie.
    * problema real = real problem.
    * problema + residir = problem + reside, problem + lie, problem + come with.
    * problemas = trouble, crisis [crises, -pl.], problem areas, trials and tribulations, trouble at mill.
    * problemas auditivos = impaired hearing, hearing impairment, hearing disability.
    * problemas cada vez mayores = mounting problems.
    * problemas con el alcohol = problem drinking.
    * problemas con la bebida = problem drinking.
    * problemas con la vista = poor eyesight.
    * problemas de la vida = life problems [life-problems].
    * problemas del crecimiento = growing pains.
    * problemas de lectura = reading difficulties.
    * problemas dentales = dental disease.
    * problemas de oído = poor hearing.
    * problema seguro = accident waiting to happen.
    * problemas familiares = family crisis.
    * problemas + girar en torno a = problems + turn on, problems + revolve around.
    * problemas inherentes al crecimiento = growing pains.
    * problemas iniciales = teething problems, teething troubles, growing pains.
    * problema siquiátrico = psychiatric problem.
    * problema social = societal problem, social problem.
    * problemas sociales = social crisis.
    * problema + surgir = problem + arise, problem + surface, problem + come with.
    * problemas visuales = visual impairment.
    * problema técnico = glitch, technical difficulty, technical problem.
    * problema técnico desconocido = gremlin.
    * quitar importancia a un problema = trivialise + trouble.
    * raíz del problema, la = root of the problem, the.
    * resolución de problemas = problem solving [problem-solving].
    * resolver los problemas = iron out + the bugs.
    * resolver un problema = resolve + issue, resolve + problem, solve + problem, work out + problem, unlock + problem, settle + problem, sort out + problem, clear up + problem, work + problem + through, address + limitation, straighten out + problem, iron out + problem, work out + kink.
    * sacar a colación un problema = bring + problem up.
    * salvar un problema = circumvent + problem, negotiate + problem.
    * ser un problema = be at issue.
    * sin meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * sin problemas = smoothly, smooth [smoother -comp., smoothest -sup.], problem-free, trouble free [trouble-free], without a hitch, unproblematically, carefree, without difficulty, in good standing.
    * sin problemas de vista = sighted.
    * solución a problemas = problem solution.
    * solucionar los problemas = put + things right.
    * solucionar problemas = problem solving [problem-solving].
    * solucionar un problema = solve + problem, settle + problem, iron out + problem.
    * subproblema = sub-problem [subproblem].
    * subsanar un problema = remedy + problem.
    * superar el problema de credibilidad = overcome + credibility gap.
    * superar un problema = surmount + problem, conquer + problem, get over + problem.
    * surgir un problema de credibilidad = credibility gap + arise.
    * suscitar un problema = provoke + problem, raise + problem, raise + concern.
    * tener problema con Algo = experience + trouble with.
    * tener problemas = have + problems.
    * tener problemas con = fall + foul of, run + afoul of problems, run + afoul of, fall + afoul of.
    * tener problemas con la ley = fall + foul of the law, go + afoul of the law, fall + afoul of the law.
    * tener un problema = experience + problem.
    * tener un problema medio resuelto = have + problem half licked.
    * tocar un problema = touch on/upon + problem.
    * toparse con un problema = encounter + problem, come across + problem.
    * tratar un problema = address + problem, deal with + problem, handle + problem, tackle + problem, address + limitation, grapple with + problem, treat + problem, address + concern.
    * tratar un problema de pasada = touch on/upon + problem.
    * trivializar un problema = trivialise + trouble.
    * tropezar con problemas = run into + problems.

    * * *
    1 ( Mat) problem
    resolver un problema to solve a problem
    2 (dificultad, preocupación) problem
    nos está creando muchos problemas it is causing us a lot of problems o a lot of trouble
    problemas económicos financial difficulties o problems
    me gustaría ir, el problema es que no tengo dinero I'd like to go, the snag o trouble o problem o thing is I don't have any money
    los coches viejos siempre dan muchos problemas old cars always give a lot of trouble, old cars always play up a lot ( colloq)
    si se enteran, vas a tener problemas if they find out, you'll be in trouble
    no te hagas problema ( AmL); don't worry about it
    * * *


    problema sustantivo masculino
    resolver/solucionar un problema to solve a problem;

    los coches viejos dan muchos problemas old cars give a lot of trouble;
    no te hagas problema (AmL) don't worry about it
    problema sustantivo masculino problem: les está dando muchos problemas, it is giving them a lot of trouble
    problemas económicos, financial difficulties

    ' problema' also found in these entries:
    - acotar
    - circunscribirse
    - comprensión
    - conciencia
    - concienciarse
    - conjuntamente
    - contingente
    - deforestación
    - desarrollo
    - desforestación
    - desmenuzar
    - diferente
    - drogodependencia
    - eficacia
    - encarar
    - endemoniada
    - endemoniado
    - enfocar
    - enfocada
    - enfocado
    - enfoque
    - enrevesada
    - enrevesado
    - enunciado
    - inconveniente
    - intrincada
    - intrincado
    - magnitud
    - mano
    - orden
    - plantear
    - presentarse
    - profundizar
    - profundidad
    - radicar
    - raíz
    - remediar
    - remontar
    - replantear
    - resolución
    - resolver
    - robar
    - rompecabezas
    - salida
    - sencilla
    - sencillez
    - sencillo
    - sensibilizar
    - sinsabor
    - appreciate
    - appreciation
    - approach
    - approachable
    - arithmetic
    - attack
    - avenue
    - awkward
    - bit
    - bypass
    - can
    - care
    - central
    - come up
    - compound
    - deal with
    - define
    - devil
    - difficulty
    - emerge
    - emotional
    - form
    - formidable
    - graft
    - grapple
    - growing
    - hard
    - hassle
    - ignore
    - issue
    - knotty
    - knowledge
    - land
    - lie
    - magnitude
    - major
    - matter
    - meditate
    - meet with
    - nut
    - object
    - outstanding
    - overcome
    - pin down
    - pose
    - present
    - problem
    - question
    - relation
    * * *
    1. [dificultad] problem;
    el problema del terrorismo the terrorist problem, the problem of terrorism;
    los niños no causan más que problemas children cause nothing but trouble o problems;
    no quiero más problemas I don't want any more trouble;
    el problema es que no nos queda tiempo the problem o thing is that we don't have any time left;
    no te hagas problema don't worry about it
    2. [matemático] problem;
    resolver un problema to solve a problem
    * * *
    m problem;
    sin problema without difficulty, without any problems
    * * *
    : problem
    * * *
    problema n problem

    Spanish-English dictionary > problema

См. также в других словарях:

  • Egypt — • Provides information on history, religion, and literature Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Egypt     Egypt     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Giacomo Casanova — Casanova redirects here. For other uses, see Casanova (disambiguation). Giacomo Casanova Born 2 April 1725(1725 04 02) Venice, Republic of Venice …   Wikipedia

  • Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi — Al Razi redirects here. For the Islamic theologian and philosopher, see Fakhr al Din al Razi. For other uses, see Razi (disambiguation). Muhammad ibn Zakariyā Rāzī Razi was the preeminent pharmacist and physician of his time. Full name Muhammad… …   Wikipedia

  • biblical literature — Introduction       four bodies of written works: the Old Testament writings according to the Hebrew canon; intertestamental works, including the Old Testament Apocrypha; the New Testament writings; and the New Testament Apocrypha.       The Old… …   Universalium

  • theatre, Western — ▪ art Introduction       history of the Western theatre from its origins in pre Classical antiquity to the present.       For a discussion of drama as a literary form, see dramatic literature and the articles on individual national literatures.… …   Universalium

  • Horse grooming — For other types of grooming see Groom Common tools used for grooming a horse Horse grooming is hygienic care given to a horse, or a process by which the horse s physical appearance is enhanced for horse shows or other types of competition …   Wikipedia

  • Passion Plays — • The modern drama does not originate in the ancient, but in the religious plays of the Middle Ages, themselves an outcome of the liturgy of the Church. . . Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Passion Plays     Passion Plays …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Confirmation — • Describes its origin from Biblical texts and how it has been handed down through the ages. The rite is briefly described, and the minister, matter, form, recipient, effects, necessity and sponsors are detailed Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • mystery religion — Any of various secret cults of the Greco Roman world. Derived from primitive tribal ceremonies, mystery religions reached their peak of popularity in Greece in the first three centuries AD. Their members met secretly to share meals and take part… …   Universalium

  • Horse care — There are many aspects to horse care. Horses, ponies, mules, donkeys and other domesticated equidae require attention from humans for optimal health and long life.Living environmentWorldwide, horses and other equids usually live outside with… …   Wikipedia

  • Han Dynasty — 漢朝 ← 206 BCE–220 CE …   Wikipedia

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